We've spread Games of Berkeley's little tentacles into a variety of the internet's corners. The following list shows where you can find all the different places we're doing stuff. Click on each item's title for its link:
- COVID-19 Updates - This is the blog page where we put general updates, including the list of affiliate publishers who offer direct purchase programs that support game stores like GoB.
- Shopping - Our online catalog may be found here. Some items are ready to be drop-shipped to you directly from publishers -- a list of those publishers can be found at the end of this webpage.
- Discord - Used to facilitate and coordinate online gaming, show off each other's miniatures, and generally hang out/post memes.
- Facebook Page - This is the primary place we interact with the public.
- Facebook Events - Though most events are currently on hold, a few live events that you can participate in online have recently been added. Watch for more!
- Facebook Groups - For specific interests.
- Instagram - Look at the pretty pictures!
- Twitter - We don't argue with anyone here.
- Twitch - Recently created account we'll be using for livestreams, including Tuesday Paint Nights.
- YouTube - Primarily older videos, we are working on adding more content to this, including vlog updates during the pandemic closure.